5 Urban Legends That Turned Out to be True! (WARNING: Not For the Faint of Heart)

5 Urban Legends That Turned Out to be True! (WARNING: Not For the Faint of Heart)

Its summertime here, its a time for telling stories around the fire. Stories that often start with a friend of a friend. We tell them in the hopes of a pleasant scare and we tell them in the security that we know they are just stories and nothing more. Well sometimes a story turns out to be real.

1. The Toxic Patient

5 Urban Legends That Turned Out to be True! (WARNING: Not For the Faint of Heart)
The story goes, a dying woman goes to the ER and after she dies, she starts to make everyone around her feel sick. it turns out her body was toxic. I can't remember when I first heard this one but one thing I do know is that to one poor dying woman, this actually happened.

The woman was named Gloria Ramirez and was in the advanced stages of cervical cancer. She was brought to the ER by paramedics and was rather confused and was in tachycardia. The doctors injected her with various drugs, eventually after noticing she was responding poorly the staff tried to defibrillate her. At this point they noticed that her skin was covered in an oily sheen. A nurse then tried to take blood from her and noticed that there was an ammonia smell coming from the tube and there were manila colored flecks in her blood.

At this point the nurse fainted. Eventually, the staff ordered everyone evacuated to the parking lot while they tried to stabilize Gloria, forty five minutes later she was pronounced dead. What is stranger is that 23 people in the room became ill some even losing consciousness. We honestly have no clue what actually caused this poor woman to become like that. May she rest in peace.

2. Body makes water Black

5 Urban Legends That Turned Out to be True! (WARNING: Not For the Faint of Heart)

Many of us have heard the story, residents in an apartment complain of black water running from the faucet, when workmen come out to check it out, they find a decomposing body in the water tank on the roof.

Well the fact is this also happened.

In 2013, guests at the Hotel Cecil in L.A. had complained and notice that their water tasted and smelled strange and came out black. They continued using it for a week before management did something about the complaint. When workmen went up to the water tank they found the decomposing body of a college student who had gone missing. To this day, no one knows who killed her or why.

3. There is someone living in the closet

5 Urban Legends That Turned Out to be True! (WARNING: Not For the Faint of Heart)

This one reminds us of when we were children. The fear that there is a monster living in the closet. However as one Japanese man found out there actually was someone living in his closet.

In 2008 a man noticed that food had been disappearing from his house and things not being where he last put them. So he set up webcams in his apartment and set them up to watch them from work. He saw a woman come out of his closet and start to eat. Understandably he called the police for them to arrest her. It was found that she had been living in this mans closet for a year.

4. Human survives being frozen alive

5 Urban Legends That Turned Out to be True! (WARNING: Not For the Faint of Heart)
We've all seen this in a movie, A person or neanderthal is frozen in ice and thaws out perfectly fine. Now most people would say that is bullshit but for one Jean Hillard it was not just a miracle but a reality.

Jean Hillard was a Minnesota Teenager who got stuck outside all night in negative eight F or negative twenty two C weather. By morning she was frozen solid. She was found in the morning and taken to the hospital. Where it was found that despite the freezing her heart was beating eight times a minute and she was breathing two to three times per minute. She was thawed out and made a full recovery with no body or brain damage by some miracle.

5. Phone Call from the Dead
5 Urban Legends That Turned Out to be True! (WARNING: Not For the Faint of Heart)

Its a staple of shitty horror movies. The phone call from the dead. However has a confirmed case.


A man was in a horrible train crash and was texting with his family at the time. After the crash the family members received a great many calls from his cell phone. This had given the family hope that he had survived the Crash. However this was not the case. Investigation revealed that the man had died on impact. The phone was never found.

So next time you are around the campfire and hear about a boy raised by wolves or a person killed in an unusual and disturbing circumstances, don't immediately dismiss this as false because as this list shows, you never know if they are actually true.


5 Urban Legends That Turned Out to be True! (WARNING: Not For the Faint of Heart)
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