Why is it that I'm always the bad guy and I always have to change?

why is it that in my relationship with my guy, I"m always the bad guy and I'm always the one that has to change. I'm always saying sorry and I'm always the one trying to better myself to make the relationship work and he's not. He's always mad at me and running off and stuff. Like he's KNOWS he's super lazy and he knows that he never does anything for me and I can't trust him BUT I have to be the one that apologizes and I have to be the one that does everything. Just to shorten this up he and I both phrase our relationship as "my problem is my problem and also his problem is my problem". For example, he was being super lazy and he didn't grab his winter gear (we are visiting up north for 4 months) and it's freezing here. So now it's MY problem to figure out what he's going to wear for the winter. At first it was MY winter coat and I really liked that coat. I'm so mad, and it's my fault, I can't be mad. He's 100x more mad at me now, because everything is my fault...If he doesn't have a winter coat, he'll freeze and he'll get a super bad cold and the cold will transfer to me and my 13 month old son. See what I mean? that's just one example. Like he's so lazy he never gets the oil change, or do anything. IF I don't do all this for him, then the car will die on my and my son. So I have to. Even if I am recovering from surgery, or labor. Anyways, what do you think? What can I say to him to make him understand that it's OUR problem? When I bring this stuff up and say that it's OUR problem he goes, "here we go again, now you're going to get mad at me, I'm leaving" then he leaves! WTF?
His problem is your problem...because you're together
His problem is your problem...because it'll affect you later
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Why is it that I'm always the bad guy and I always have to change?
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