Am I being insecure, or is he being disrespectful? & what is your opinion on checking out girls/guys in FRONT of your gf/bf?

I got fed up with my boyfriend and brought up how he would check out other girls and my friends in front of me,,, i know i should be more secure with myself. but what bugged me is, the days he would check them out, he wouldn't tell me i looked beautiful. And when i would bring that up he would lie and say but i did call u beautiful today, you just didn't hear. I know he obv thinks im stunning, and he makes me feel beautiful and loved ALL THE TIME. my issue is he gets so worked up when i bring up these issues to him.. note that I've brought them up 3 or 4 times in the course of 6 months., which in my eyes isn't as often as most people would bring it up... and then he flips it and makes it about HIM and says i stress him out and im doubting his interest in me, when really im just trying to let him know that its DISRESPECTFUL. its not even that im being so insecure about it, but its plain rude to check out other girls. I would never check out another guy or tell my boyfriend i think someone else is attractive bc in my eyes i seriously view my boyfriend to be super handsome and dont note other people around him... im not LOOKING for hot guys.. I obv appreciate all the times he says im beautiful and so on. but my issue is one of disrespect. I've communicated this to him time and time again. however he is still convinced that im just being insecure and doubting him. and now he wants to go on a break with me over this. People, is this relationship worth it? am i in the wrong or is he, or are we BOTH wrong..
Am I being insecure, or is he being disrespectful? & what is your opinion on checking out girls/guys in FRONT of your gf/bf?
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