My boyfriend is always fixated on TV?

My boyfriend is always watching TV and is fixated on it. He never looks at me and when we does it's not for long. It makes me feel boring and ugly. I even get tired talking to him at times cause he'll be fixated on TV for hours and doesn't really talk. Here's some pictures of me and him talking not too long ago. (look at the time) it sometimes stays that way until hangs up on me and says he's tired or his phone is going to die. (yes i was getting tired and bored in the picture) i was out all day and this was the first time talking to him for like a week or so.
My boyfriend is always fixated on TV?

My boyfriend is always fixated on TV?

My boyfriend is always fixated on TV?

My boyfriend is always fixated on TV?

My boyfriend is always fixated on TV?

My boyfriend is always fixated on TV?

My boyfriend is always fixated on TV?

My boyfriend is always fixated on TV?

My boyfriend is always fixated on TV?

My boyfriend is always fixated on TV?
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