Age Does NOT Equal Wisdom


Alright, so, as a child (under the age of ten) I would get into these arguments with my grandmother. And I know there's this whole thing about 'be respectful to your elders!' Trust me, I was as respectful as I could be while hinting at the fact that the woman is an idiot.

I really was. I was the most 'need to please' child I have ever met. I might not have been very good at it, but I did my best to make people not want to smack me over the head. Seriously. I tried.

Anyway, these arguments I had with her, I can still say to this day that I was right. She would have been in her late forties/early fifties at the time, and she was arguing with a six to nine year old.

Age Does NOT Equal Wisdom

(could not find a more perfect picture. And could not find this perfect picture where it was not dreamtimed all over)

One of the arguments was about the sugar on our weetbix. It started off with me wanting to put the sugar on after I put the milk in, because I liked watching the way sugar looks while it's sucking up the milk. Grandma told me it's better to put the sugar on first, because that way the milk will dissolve it.

What? No, it won't, it just pushes the sugar off the weetbix. What the hell's the point of having sugar on your weetbix if you're eating it with the milk and not the biscuit? I might as well just pour a glass of milk and spoon some sugar into it.

But no. Apparently sugar dissolves into milk in only milliseconds. It does not.

So yeah. I do still stand by my six year old self.

Another argument was about wind.

Grandma made the comment about how windy it was when she opened the drivers side window while doing 90 down a very long straight. I frowned at her, double checked the trees on the side of the road, because I could have sworn they were not moving, and confirmed that yes, they were not moving. So I told her no, it's not windy. The trees aren't swaying.

She told me yes it is and opened the window further to prove her point.

I told her it wasn't. It just feels like it's windy because the car is moving into the air fast enough that it rushes into the car really fast when you open the window. (or something to that effect). She didn't believe me. So I dumbed it down and again, told her, that the trees aren't swaying. There was no wind outside because there hadn't been even a breeze before we got in the car, and not even a leaf was moving on those trees.

She just kept getting more and more agitated that I was fighting her on the issue so I dropped it. (I was nine)

Age Does NOT Equal Wisdom

Now, with that in mind, my grandmother is not a stupid woman. She's not the smartest person on earth by any means, but she isn't an idiot.

It does though raise the issue, why do our 'elderly' (anyone over thirty or forty. I don't class you as elderly until you're in a nursing home, but you are being put in a category. That being, older than myself.) believe that just because they are older and have more experience than us "young'uns" that they are smarter than us?

Why is it automatically assumed that just because we have a smaller number on our birthday cards that we also have a smaller IQ? That's shit.

Intelligence has nothing to do with age. Sure, the more experience you have the more you tend to know, but that really only counts if you keep an open mind and allow yourself to be proven wrong every now and then.

(I should really take my own advice there)

I know you grew up in a time where you didn't have the world at your finger tips and you had to ask real people questions and you had to find things out for yourself. I know you remember back when as a kid you knew nothing because there was no way your parents would tell you about this or that and you didn't have any way of finding that out.

But we do have ways of finding things out now.

My little brother, who is eleven this year, knows more about current events than I do.

I've always been able to pick up on things that I thought were obvious and had people ask me 'how did you know that?! You're a genius!' (hah, if only)

One of my friends is possibly the smartest person I know.

And you know, what happened fifty years ago, really doesn't much apply anymore. I know some of it does, but the way my grandparents go about teaching me stuff and trying to parent me. No. Just, no. That doesn't apply anymore.

Age Does NOT Equal Wisdom

So yeah. I don't have much else to say on the subject. Just, for you people who think you're so much smarter than anyone younger than you. Cut the crap. You might be smarter than some, but you aren't smarter than all.

And if a kid is trying to tell you something, even if you don't belive them, just smile and nod and at least pretend like they're right even if you don't think they are, just so they don't curse you out and call you stupid in their head. Because, chances are, they probably are right.

Age Does NOT Equal Wisdom
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