That's So (not) Gay!


That's So (not) Gay!

This mostly applies to my school, but I have been hearing quite often people around me calling others gay, or calling a situation gay, in a derogative way.

I don't understand why people do this. Gay was never defined as an insult until people began using it as one. It's original meaning is happy. It's new meaning is 'homosexual male'. Please don't tell me it's going to gain another meaning equivalent to 'stupid' or 'idiot'.

I understand that calling things 'gay' is a new and exciting fad. But shut the fuck up. Unlike 'rad', 'rag', or 'shit stain', this one is offensive to more people than just the person it's aimed at.

'That's so gay' yeah well that's so fucking hetero.

You know what? Maybe that's what we should be doing. Combatting all the gay comments with hetero comments. But then, that wouldn't be fair to the decent people who aren't being dicks about it would it?


That's not gay. It's stupid. It's a stupid idea.

That's So (not) Gay!

Why do you think it's so acceptable to use gay as a synonym for stupid? Why do you think that's acceptable? I could start going around using black and white as synonyms for stupid.

Hah! You failed your test, your'e so fucking white. Hah! You lost that race, you're so fucking black!

But no, I'm not going to because I can see clearly how offensive that would be. So why the fuck can't you see how offensive it is that you're using a persons sexual orientation as an insult? Especially when it has nothing to do with the persons orientation.

If a person is not happy, or attracted to the same gender, then they aren't fucking gay. If a person is stupid but not attracted to the same gender or happy, then they aren't gay. They're stupid.

So shut the fuck up before I do it for you.

Thankyou for reading my rant, and have a gay day.

Continued on: That's So (not) Gay! 2

That's So (not) Gay!
52 Opinion