Should I unfollow my ex from instagram?

We broke up 2 months ago after a 1 year and 4 months relationship.

Nowadays he ignores all my posts, but he does watch my stories. I sometimes still stalk him, but it has diminished a lot in the last month.
However, he is being incredibly rude to me since the break up. I talked to him and he says he does not even want to say hi when we cross paths, even though we see each other every day (we go to the same university). It really hurts me and no one around me understands why he is behaving this way. I asked him and he said that it is uncomfortable for him, and he does not want any relation with me. This really hurts because he is the one who always hurt me in the relationship, and now that we aren’t together anymore he still found a way to hurt me.

I have been thinking of unfollowing him for a while, but I’m not sure because this will mean I will never hear anything from him again because he does not want to speak at the moment. I also still wait for him to see my instagram story.
Should I unfollow him?
Should I unfollow my ex from instagram?
18 Opinion