Is going back to your ex ever okay?

Does it ever end happily? I haven't broken up with anyone until now and yeah I'm still sad about it and I still like my ex, but if it didn't work out first time why should it work out the second time?

We broke up well mainly because of our quite hotheaded personalities, we argued over almost every little thing, also we had slightly different views regarding some stuff (family and such), he wanted me to leave my family even because they're abusive but it is easier said than done.

Anyway, he keeps trying to contact me, saying he wants to "talk" but every damn chance he's trying to get close though deep inside I think he still likes me, he didn't take the break up well, according to our friends he started drinking more after out break up.

I don't know what to do, how am I supposed to know if giving a chance is the right thing to do?
Yes, it can be even better
Yes but it depends on the circumstances
No, it rarely works out
It's a waste of time...
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Is going back to your ex ever okay?
2 Opinion