Did she try to play me?

She played me….

In April, my girlfriend of 3.5 years told me we needed to take some space apart and play things by ear cause I needed to work on things. She said “I don’t know what our future looks like but I know things can change for the better if you make them happen”. We kept talking and hanging out without the “label” for a few weeks until I checked into a rehab program to get my shit together.

Unbeknownst to me, she immediately starts dating a guy she had met at our college graduation a few months earlier and was always bringing up the idea of hanging out with him. They already went on a trip together after 2-3 months. Meanwhile, I’m in sober living and we’re talking a bit and met up twice and had a great time. The second time I asked her what she thought about us and she got very cagey and distant and acted like she didn’t know what I was talking about.

A month later I texted her saying I respected her decision and why she felt she had to end things. She told me it was ok, but it didn’t discount our friendship and memories. A few weeks later she posts a pic of the new guy and I start to put the pieces together.

When she texted me a few days later for my birthday, I said thanks but we need to stop communicating because I need to move on. She she said she agreed we both needed space, and then I told her I’m not sure I can be friends cause things ended really vaguely and we were together for a long time. She then got upset because she assumed we could just still be friends. Afterward, she started posting a lot more on Snapchat when she discovered I unfollowed her Instagram and was more active on Snap (her best friend posted a racy text she had sent to the new guy on her Snap story). She also started lurking on my LinkedIn to see my two new jobs I got.

Do you think she’s trying to have her cake and eat it too, or did I respond immaturely?

Did she try to play me?
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