Am I a bad person for wanting to break up with my boyfriend because he is still married and he is going through a divorce settlement/process?

I’ve always told myself and other guys beforehand when I start dating. That I’m not interested in dating recently divorced fathers. Because there is so much drama and baggage with that. I’ve tried breaking it off with this guy, but he always begs me to stay. While buying me gifts and offering money to me. I’m not a gold digger and money does not interest me. So I’ve rejected his offers and gifts. Because his wife is already trying to get money from him through the divorce. His parents are still trying to convince him to fix his marriage. I understand he is going through a lot and I think it’s best I’m not in his life to burden him and me watching him go through this.

Am I making the right choice here?
What should I do?

Am I a bad person for wanting to break up with my boyfriend because he is still married and he is going through a divorce settlement/process?
Post Opinion