How do I cut the apron strings with my ex?


My and my ex have been together since we were 12 year's old and we are now bouth 25 so we've been with each other for nearly half are lifes.

I broke up with in October because I realised we weren't kids anymore and we needed to at least for a while find ourselves while separated for a little while. I started to realise I really enjoyed this new version of myself but I felt unbelievably guilty for my ex.

I still see him as a very close friend as he knows me better than anyone and he's been there for me nearly my entire life. I can't imagine life without him but not as a partner anymore.

He always relied to much on me to take care of him and now he's out there by himself he's been really struggled and it hurts to see someone I once loved not look after themselves right.

I told my mother about my concerns for him and she started taking him meals without my knowledge and making checking in on him. As kind as it is for her to do that I found it extremely annoying because he will never learn to look after himself and be in the real world of he just replaces me with my mother also he needs to become unattached from me and that includes my family too.

I feel cruel doing this to him but he needs to realise there's a whole world out there waiting for him that doesn't include me.

We were kids when we met and we are two very different people now and I wish he could move on and we could both still be happy and even one day be friends again but for now I think we really need time apart.

How do I cut the apron strings with my ex?
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