How do I forget him?

Me and my boyfriend broke up recently. And I tried so hard for a year to help “fix” him. Our relationship was 80% arguments and fights, and 20% happiness. I was just so tired of being manipulated and gaslit in my relationship that I hit my last straw recently and i cut ties with him. I genuinely felt that he was changing his ways and then within our last argument he disrespected me and it was like we were back to square one. I know I’m not perfect but i tried really hard to make us work because i loved him so much. I feel that he has a lot of growing up to do and I’ve lost all patience to wait for him to change. But now that he’s gone it’s so hard not to think about him. I hold onto that 20% with my life bc I felt that we had such a beautiful and genuine connection. And I miss him but we’ve been on and off for a whole year.. I know that I can’t take him back because it’s going to be a never ending cycle of pain on my mental health. How do I forget him.
How do I forget him?
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