How do I let go of someone?


I'm asking this in regard to my ex-girlfriend. I met her 7 years ago when we were 14/15. We went to a thing called an Earthskills Rendezvous and met there. We bonded over being more reserved and awkward than the other teenagers present. After the five-day event ended, we exchanged email addresses. I didn't get a phone until I was 19.

After a few months, we started 'dating', but broke up after a couple of years. We didn't talk for a while, but eventually, I reached out to her on her birthday. Slowly, our relationship repaired, and several months later she asked me out again. Still entirely online. Anyway, around this time I started working 3 jobs to save up money to move out, and I decided, hey, I'm moving anyway- I'll move to her town. So I did.

That year, a lot happened. We got a lot closer and learned a lot of things. Then, about two months before we broke up, and everything spiraled. It was mostly my fault, looking back. Just a week over a year since I arrived, we broke up, and I returned to my previous state.

Stuff piled up after that, and I was kept busy. She was my closest friend for the last 7 years- my only friend for most of that time. I keep coming close to texting and emailing her because she said I could. I know I shouldn't. I understand this all must seem very emotionally immature for an adult, especially when compared to the real problems in the world, but I figured I'd utilize the internet and ask random strangers. Maybe one person might try to answer. Thank you, whoever does.

I go to college full time, I'm working out most days, I'm studying German, I'm learning chess, I watch over my nephews and nieces often, I do most of the work around the house, take care of my stepfather's farm animals, and I'm looking for a job, yet I still have time to remember her and hurt.

How do I let go of someone?
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