My ex recently broke up with me, and he seems mad that I dont show any feelings?

Okay, so I really liked my boyfriend, and then he suddenly broke up with me, without even telling me why. (our relationship was a secret, except for a few people who knew) I NEVER tell my feelings or show my feelings to others, so in school I acted completly normal even when i interacted with him I was fine. I was smiling and I laughed at jokes, no one knew I was sad or anything. I actually did miss him a lot and wished he would take me back and litterly cried all the time at home. His friend told me that my ex didn't like that i didn't show any hurt feelings (i didn't cry infront of them or seem sad at all). I wanted us to stay friends at least if he didn't like me after the break up, but now he's mad at me.

Am I the asshole? Should I tell him how i feel?

My ex recently broke up with me, and he seems mad that I dont show any feelings?
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