********I ACCIDENTALLY (NO LIE!!!) I Sent This Particular Emoticon to Him. Wondering if God Intervened in This because Every Time it Seems There is a Special Occasion or Holiday or Something in Which I used to Send him Gift Cards and Boxes of Goodies When We were a Couple, He lurks around me. We are On and Off Contact. (He used to make me Lovely things and Send Things Too, Such as The ring I Still Have from Him) He did say He still Loves me. At any Rate, He saw the Dollar Emoticon and Now is Not REPLYING. Did I hit a NERVE? Next Wed Would be Our 4th Anniversary. lol Any Thoughts? xxoo
- 1 y
I'd say it depends on what type of communication you both have. Does he usually take you seriously when you use emojis? Do you use them often? Even then though, he may not take every single one seriously.
I don't ever take emojis seriously, but that's just me. I think they're a playful way to comminate, but at the same time, a lot of people use them to joke around too. I'd ask yourself how seriously he takes you when you use them. If he does take it seriously, just tell him you were using it in a playful jokingly way.
I don't think you have anything to worry about. I can't speak for all guys, but I know when a girl texts me emoji's, I know she's just being flirty or playfully joking,14 Reply- 1 y
Maybe tell him that you were joking with him, or you could say, you sent it by mistake. You said it was an accident, right? Honesty is important. I don't see any reason why he wouldn't believe you, unless he has his own insecurities.
These things happen. My friends and I were talking the other day about how people only communicate over devices, and it causes so many relationship problems. I'd fix this in person. Sending more texts to try to fix it, he can't see your facial expressions in a text, so he's not going to be able to see your honesty. He would only be able to take your word for it.
Us as humans tend to overreact. Our minds convince us of the worst outcomes. If my girlfriend sent me an emoji like that, I'd take it as a joke, but that's just me.
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How have emojis like that been used in other contexts? If the dude told you that he still loved you, and you responded with that emoji, the nature of your past relationship would inform the way he interprets that.
Personally, I have a thick skin, so I would probably laugh, but depending ENTIRELY on our previous communications, that could easily kill any serious romantic intent I had for you.
14 Reply
- Anonymous(25-29)1 y
You sent the gold digger emoji?
12 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- u1 y
If you want him to truly be your ex, you should not be in contact with him. That just prolongs the trauma and the agony of the break up.
If you don't really want him to be your ex, you should be honest with yourself about what you truly want.31 Reply - 1 y
If I were your ex, and I received this emoticon, I would think you were offering sexual services... if I pay for them. Crude!
12 Reply- 1 y
- 1 y
I don’t know. Things like this are complicated
16 Reply- 1 y
Lol. I guess it’s something when you give something helpful or something. I don't know
- 1 y
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- 1 y
lol!!! @Summeroflove Do you know How may Times I have got ThatCrown? I lost count. lol!!!
- 1 y
LOL. Yeah me too sometimes I don't even notice
- 1 y
Good riddance to bad rubbish. If he's not talking you should stop as well.
11 Reply 2.3K opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. How are u talking about hime being tour ex then referencing anniversary what do u actually want
13 Reply783 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Maybe this is a good opportunity to finally put this relationship in the rear view.
11 Reply- 1 y
It’s hard to know because I could be taken in many ways, maybe he thinks that you want money from him?
13 Reply- 1 y
Yeah, it’s hard to know what he’s thinking
- 1 y
Apologize. Maybe tell him it supposed to go to your banker?
11 Reply - 1 y
Don't let it bother you he's just your ex after all
11 Reply I'm dead confused
Have you talked to him?11 Reply- 1 y
i accidentally do things on purpose too lol
11 Reply You did hit a nerve but in what way is unknown
11 Reply2.3K opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Stop interacting with your ex
11 Reply530 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Stop communicating with him.
11 Reply- 1 y
Probably did
11 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)1 y
I think so
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