I tend to mirror what I receive. It’s quite challenging to control my emotions. I feed off my environment a lot and others energy even in good times. I go into emotional survival mode but I do not manipulate any one or situation just stop all social interaction and investment in others. I often take myself that low I need assistance to gain consistency and confidence back in myself. I lock down my socials and go into hiding. Answering calls etc only when my brain can handle it. I do not tell anyone what I decide but I throw around a lot of ideas of possible next moves to protect myself from opinions of others and hyper fixate on my flaws and bad personality traits in private. (This makes me quite unstable looking to others as I can't regulate at times) I then rebuild myself by reaching out to people that hung in there whilst I got my shit together and apologise for lack of communication, and try to fix my stuff that I broke whilst healing.
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