Guys, is my soon to be ex contradicting himself or am I overthinking this?


Ok, well I'm at a loss here. Without going into too much detail, my husband and I have been separated for almost 2 years now. He ended it abruptly and got into a new relationship just a few months after leaving me. I begged for him back, blah blah blah. They've recently broken up and she immediately started sleeping with his roommate and left him homeless. (Karma?)

Anyway, now that it's been almost 2 years and I've done my healing and accepted divorce is inevitable, I've been in contact with him recently about it. He hasn't filed and keeps blaming me for the delays, so I offered to just file myself.

Just last night I found out one of my friends died 2 months ago and I had no idea because I was staying off social media. I'm completely distraught and told him I needed time to process this before dealing with filing paperwork and said if he wanted it done quickly to do it himself. His response was "if this was up to me it would have been done before my birthday last year (so a month after he left me). You want the divorce? You send me the papers. Just want to get it done so we can both move on with our lives and get this shit over with"

This is where I'm confused. He says if it were up to him, it would be done by now. But he's also saying if I want the divorce I need to take care of it? He's the one who asked for a divorce so why is he acting like this was my decision all of a sudden? And why is he still so hostile towards me when I try to keep things as civil as possible? Men are confusing lol

Guys, is my soon to be ex contradicting himself or am I overthinking this?
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