Is it okay that he always makes out that I am the bad guy?

My ex and I started working things out. We use to live together, near the end he’d always threaten to get the police involved which frightened me as he convinced me that I was the problem. So I reached out to the police for advice and he ended up being arrested, they said he was abusive.

Fast forward to now, he’s spoken to me on and off since then. He reached out a few weeks ago, he said he wants to just talk but it feels very weird. He keeps telling me to date others on a daily basis yet says we are “talking”. Everytime we have had an argument, he will tell me to go on dating apps. I’ve met up with him last week and it was fine. Yesterday I asked if he wanted to catch up and he said “not feeling it”. I asked why and it turns into him throwing the whole police thing in my face. Then said how he’s got anxiety because of it and that he can’t get past it. Then he went on a rant and tried to make how “bad” I am.

What I don’t understand, why is he telling me to date others? Why has he not deleted me when he’s said all those things as above? As normally he’d have an “augment” with me, delete me and not talk for months. I know I need to move on now but I just want to understand this because he’s made me feel so horrible. Why is he doing this?

Is it okay that he always makes out that I am the bad guy?
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