How can I get over my ex girlfriend when she has moved on?

Me and my ex girlfriend had an argument over the phone a few months back. It was all my fault because I was the one who started it and I said some stupid things I shouldn’t have said due to being drunk. Regardless, I tried to make it right by apologising and giving her the space she had asked for.

We haven’t spoken since and that was nearly 2 months ago. She then decided to block me on Snapchat a few weeks after the original argument without saying anything. I spoke to her friend within that time and apparently my ex girlfriend told her that “she was going to speak to me again” but she never did. This confused me and it really hurt but I accepted that she had made her choice.

I still feel incredibly guilty about what happened and I’ve just wanted to have one conversation with her over the phone or in person to apologise properly and explain everything but I’m aware that she feels I didn’t deserve another chance, which I fully understand. I’m struggling to move on from her as I can’t stop thinking about her and how badly I screwed up. It seems as if she has moved on fairly easily, which hurts a lot but I’m genuinely trying to do the same.

I’m just looking for some advice on how to deal with moving on from her and my stupid mistakes because the last 2 months I’ve been utterly miserable, drinking more than I ever did, getting into bother when out at bars and making an idiot of myself in public and on social media. All because I’m drinking way too much due to in the back of my mind I can’t get over how I ruined everything. My life is a mess right now, I just don’t know what to do or where to begin.

How can I get over my ex girlfriend when she has moved on?
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