myTakes: Break Up & Divorce

The Ghost of My Past

I can remember the warmth of her smile, the softness of voice and the warmth of her embrace. I can still remember her kiss and taste. Though she is still alive, our relationship is no more. She like so many others live on...

10 Signs she is about to leave you.

1- She stops bringing issues to your attention this. does not mean that she has suddenly become the cool girl and has changed her thoughts on what she needs or wants in your relationship. No it's actually a sign that...

Why You Should Never Get Back With Your Ex?

Preface: There exists a wide array of anecdotes that are the exception to what I'm about to say. If your story is one such where you did manage to make things work after a reconciliation, congratulations. This post is not...

If your ex is reaching out

If your ex is reaching out to you, what they are reaching out for is the green light. In the Great Gatsy, he ( Gatsby) was trying to reconnect with his ex-girlfriend because of nostalgia for the moment he intertwined his...

Reasons ADULTS break up

When to Break up disclaimer: "each Relationship is unique" and can differ from these ideas, which are not the only reasons to separate, just common reasons. a common reason to end the relationship =break up is arguments...

Don't Try To Make Sense of Your Ex

So I wanted to make a follow-up to my previous Take Walk Away From Confusing “Signs” After A Breakup to further encourage everyone who is in this situation to keep staying strong. And to give more insight on specific...

Walk Away From Confusing “Signs” After A Breakup

A lot of people struggle with this. I did too after a breakup once. So many people tend to think their relationship is not really over and that there are telltale clues that their ex is still thinking about them or wants...

How to deal with a Break Up

Breakups can be difficult, and it can take time to move on from a relationship that has ended. Here are some tips that may help you to get over your ex: Give yourself time to grieve and process your emotions. It's okay...

Which one of these ex-girlfriends seems the most interesting to you?

This is an interesting post I've had on my mind, for a while. A post of my ten exes. I'm curious what GAG thinks about this. I'm deciding to post it now, because I won't use real images of them and their names are...

If you’re going through a breakup, here’s an open letter from me to you.

Hello. I do not know you personally, but yet fate draws us together. I’m glad you decided to take the time to read this letter and begin our healing journey together. This is a letter from me to you. I know there are days...

Men Walking Away From Abusive Relationships

For the longest time, I have seen and heard so many times of men staying in abusive relationships, whether it be physical, emotional, sexual, verbal, etc. And yet I hardly see anyone try to reach out to them to tell them...

Guys take breakups/ losing a girl harder then the opposite

Something I've been thinking about recently, after my most recent breakup, is that not only do guys feel emotions as acutely as women (especially negative ones, like sadness and depression), but the loss of a romantic...

My very first love story from uphill to downwards!

Hello everyone, I hope you have had a great weekend so far :). I want to share you my very first love story at the age of 21 when I was passionate about something and then let it loose for a short amount of time. All I...

When you part ways with someone on good terms, that door stays open..

Whether it's a mutual breakup, they move state or country, or any other circumstance when you can't see or talk to them anymore, that door stays open.. meaning it's really hard to get over them. When you end something on...

A brake up. What are your thoughts?

Y: You left me broken in the hospital, you didn’t even tell me we were done, you just left. X: I didn’t leave you, I just gave up on you, you were the one who wasn't there anymore. Y: Exactly you gave up on me, it’s the...

What I Learned From My 9 Ex-Girlfriends (Part 1)

So, me being the inferior F-grade height I am, combined with being ugly, dark-skinned, having hypothyroidism (thus effortlessly overweight), as well as having had a Precious Puberty, which lead to at least two of these...

How to not fail and feel sad during break up!

Hi guys . Well I want to share my experience I believe it will help guys out there who may feel sad and struggling how to get out from that break up bad feelings . 1. Take your time to accept it's done Yes it important to...

Why Women Dump You After the Winter Holidays

Valentines Day Defines a Relationship Often times breakups happen around Valentines Day. It creates pressure on new and even old partners because it forces people to define what the relationship is and what it means. A...

The Top Signs that a Cheater CAN CHANGE

Accountability They show complete accountability. They dont make excuses. They don't say stupid things like "it just happened". No No No. A sign this person can change is if they are direct without excuses. They Know Why...

The Number One Reason Why You Should Be Hopeful About Getting an Ex Back

People breakup and get back together all the time before marriage and being with that person the rest of their life. Don't let people accept hookup culture where you swipe right and move on just because of a fight with...