7 Dating and Relationship Turn-Offs Every Guy on Earth Understands

7 Dating and Relationship Turn-Offs Every Guy on Earth Understands

There are some things girls do that are wonderfully endearing. And most of you girls know exactly what these things are.

But for some reason, a lot of you ladies seem to have no idea what turns men off. Or, if you do, you don't seem to care, and get all upset and offended when we tell you it really is a turn-off. How come women are allowed to tell a guy about things he does that turns her off, but it doesn't work the other way 'round?

Well, whatever. Men and women are different, I know. The point is, here are 7 dating and relationship turn-offs that just about every guy in the world will understand. Even if it's not a terrible turn-off for him personally, he'll get it.

7. When you immediately - and constantly - seek approval from your friends about us

7 Dating and Relationship Turn-Offs Every Guy on Earth Understands

I know women form closer and longer-lasting relationships with their female friends when compared to guy-guy friendships. We all know this, don't we? And obviously, if a man is going to be a big part of a woman's life, he has to gel with her friends. Or, at the very least, he can't be hated by her friends. But what drives us all nuts is when you start to question the relationship, or become suspicious of things we do, just because your friends are sharing their very candid - and sometimes brutal - opinions.

You can think for yourself, can't you?

6. The "mothering" thing...don't do it

7 Dating and Relationship Turn-Offs Every Guy on Earth Understands

I've never understood why women in long-term relationships actually start acting like the guy's mother. Has anyone else noticed this? It's as if the man got younger, is now a child, and the woman treats him like one. She obviously runs the show and in some cases, that's just fine (some guys like that, even if they won't admit it), but it's just plain creepy when you start "mothering" us. There's a big ol' gulf between caring and attentive and getting to the point where I think you're gonna cut my meat for me.

5. No, those little burps aren't cute. They never are

7 Dating and Relationship Turn-Offs Every Guy on Earth Understands

I'm sorry, I know we're all human and everybody makes offensive bodily sounds. And I know it's ridiculous to assume a woman doesn't burp and fart and whatever else. But there is no time when it's not a turn-off - just as I assume it's always a turn-off for women when men do it, right? - and it's never "cute" or funny. I don't know why some girls think we'll be amused. We have every right to be just as disgusted when you do it as when we do it. For the record, I'm almost as disgusted as when other guys do it, so don't start with the sexism talk.

4. Mind Games

7 Dating and Relationship Turn-Offs Every Guy on Earth Understands

This is just a given. It's such a cliche that women play these mind games and men hate them, but like most stereotypes, they're rooted in at least some truth. The bottom line is that lots of females really do like to play these little games and at no point are they appealing. Now, there's a difference between being challenging and just being a manipulative, tricky bitch. An intelligent, challenging woman? Now there's a turn-on (for me, at least). But if you spend your days trying to twist my words, reading negative things into all my actions, etc, I'm just gone.

We're too old for that, aren't we? Leave the games on the playground.

3. This-

And if you haven't seen the entire "Love is Evol" stand-up from this guy, you're missing out.

2. When you keep comparing us to your exes

7 Dating and Relationship Turn-Offs Every Guy on Earth Understands

Now, I'm not talking about when you get into fights and she starts ranting about how her ex was so much better than you, or how she's dated much better guys. I'm actually referring to the times when she paints you in a positive light by comparing your positive traits to what her exes lacked. You know, believe it or not ladies, most of us don't feel any better when you do this. We assume you're with us for a reason and your ex is your ex for a reason.

And bottom line? We just don't want to hear about your exes. Like, not ever.

1. When you're so blatantly bitter, eating a lemon would be a sweet reprieve

7 Dating and Relationship Turn-Offs Every Guy on Earth Understands

Bitterness has to be the #1 turn-off for me, and for many guys. I'm not saying some women don't have the right to be bitter; hell, I know many of you do. But don't shove it in our faces, please. We didn't make you bitter; it's not our fault; someone else (or a bunch of someone elses) made you this way. I can apologize on their behalf but it's the best I can do. Bitterness just is the least attractive trait in a woman for some reason. I think it has something to do with this idea in my head that I think girls should be positive and sunny and cheery. Of course, you can't be that way all the time but there's just nothing more attractive and lovely than a true, happy smile.

You ladies can out-smile any guy any day. So smile more. The bitterness just twists you up and turns you into something that's just...revolting.

7 Dating and Relationship Turn-Offs Every Guy on Earth Understands
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