Why I Don't Feel Ghosting is Always Wrong


Now I've recently asked a question on here, "Why is ghosting wrong?" And I've received many opinions from guys and girls. I've read them all and have carefully considered the various opinions. However, here is my take on the issue.

Note: To someone who isn't familiar with the term ghosting; it means cutting off all contact with a dating partner or friend without letting them know.

Why I Don't Feel Ghosting is Always Wrong


Many people have said that ghosting is a sign of immaturity. However, I beg to differ. I've dated quite a bit and have met many different kinds of guys. One time when I tried to break things with a guy I've been dating for 3 months, he threatened to commit suicide if I left him. I eventually did leave him and he never committed suicide but he put me through a lot of stress. I did call 911 and said that he had suicidal tendencies. Another guy went on a racial tirade against me for breaking things off with him (it was an interracial relationship). Some guys though did accept the break up but most often they did not and still continue to pursue me.

From my experiences, if I had just ghosted these guys I wouldn't have to put with all the verbal abuse they put me through. It's not being immature to look after yourself and safety.

Why I Don't Feel Ghosting is Always Wrong

Lack of respect and human decency

I would only consider it a lack of respect if I had ghosted on my husband or when I'm in a serious committed relationship for more than 2 years. I've ghosted guys I've only been dating for 3-6 months period. It would be a lack of respect if I told them I love them and made future plans with them, and then ghosted them. I did no such thing. I'm a very cautious person and it takes time for me to fall in love.

Why I Don't Feel Ghosting is Always Wrong

Ghosting is emotional abuse

It would only be emotional abuse if it was intentional. Now, I didn't ghost just to make guys suffer. I didn't have any malicious intent. I've ghosted because I was no longer interested and didn't want to see them. I thought it's common sense when a person stops replying, you get the point that they're no longer interested. Common sense isn't so common after all.
Also, people go through the same emotions of hurt and disappointment and questioning their self-worth when a breakup happens too. So are all breakups emotional abuse?
I've been ghosted before and it did hurt me but I accepted that they were no longer interested.

Why I Don't Feel Ghosting is Always Wrong

Ghosting is coward's way out

Is it really? Is not wanting confrontation and the risk of verbal abuse a coward's way out? I don't think so. It's being smart.

I want to say that if you're ghosting, ghost for the right reasons.

Why I Don't Feel Ghosting is Always Wrong
40 Opinion