We went on dates but it was really slow going. Mostly due to me being so shy and guarded. We only saw each other about once a month. We stopped talking for a while and gradually made contact again around April ish then things picked up. When we met up he said he felt I wasn't making as much effort, so I pointed out the fact we'd barely been in contact. Since then I've seen him twice a week some weeks or once every two weeks. We just spontaneously make plans on the day.
The time we've spent together has been a blast. It feels like we've become closer and I'm now more relaxed around him. There's also been a lot of sexual tension between us and kissing is really intense. Things have changed a great deal for the better. There was a point in time I thought we wouldn't talk again. So a month ago I asked what he wants And he said he wants to see how things go with us, I said I was doing the same.
I feel like it's time now, I mean we know each other enough and so on. Even when he invited me to his friends party and introduced me as his friend, I thought I don't wanna be your friend no more lol. I just dont know what's going through his mind... I feel like I'd be trying to coax him into something he's not ready for yet.
What should I do?
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