When you ask a girl out and she says maybe/I'll see what does it really mean?

Guys how do you handle this situation? Girls if your not intrested why dont you just say so? Every time I've gotten a I'll see response I say ok let me know. Of course it always ends up a flake should I just expect it to be a sugar coated no?

I was thinking next time to just say alright no worries we'll scedual for another time then or ok I can't leave my scedual open all week let me know tomarrow if you able to. if no response I'll take it as an obvious no and move on. I don't got time to put my life on hold and play the mind games bull shit no more.
When you ask a girl out and she says maybe/I'll see what does it really mean??
She's genuinely not sure if she has time
She's not sure if she wants to yet 50/50
Not interest she really means no
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When you ask a girl out and she says maybe/I'll see what does it really mean?
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