I'm dating a Christian who is not a virgin. Should I dump her?

Im dating a Christian girl and she is not a virgin. This is the 4th girl I've dated in the past 1.5 years thats not a virgin. I'm not lucky or good enough to date a virgin. All I get is used goods. I dumped them all because they weren't virgins.

I've done oral with all of them and used them for a period of time. Then i dumped them out of the blue. Same pattern over and over. My girlfriend was only with 1 guy and had intercourse 1 time with him.

But I'm so pissed because this girl is a Christian and I thought she would be different. I thought she would be a virgin. Either I'm your first or nothing. I'd rather not be in your life if I'm not your first. What is so good about dating a non virgin?
Dump her
Stay. Date her longer than the last guy.
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+1 y
Please look what I selected for most helpful answer! That's exactly what I think! I can't love a non virgin. I can't love a girl that is not good enough. That's why I use non virgins.
+1 y
Anon guys most helpful answer is gospel! Spread the gospel. Spread his pump and dump philosophy to all who read this post!
I'm dating a Christian who is not a virgin. Should I dump her?
46 Opinion