Great chemistry when we're together but little communication when apart. Is he still into me?

Met a guy through a dating app a few weeks ago and we texted every day from good morning to goodnight. We have a ton in common, laugh a lot, and we've had meaningful serious conversations. He's even opened up to me about really personal situations. We met up for the first time and had amazing chemistry. Great first kiss and affectionate touching and he text me when he got home that night thanking me for a great time. The week following we didn't text nearly as often and where before he would initiate all conversation I found myself starting it more. Met up for a second time and it was even better than the first time. STRONG chemistry, cuddling, hand holding, kissing, etc. We haven't had sex but it's clear we both want to. But again since seeing each other there's less talking. When I do initiate conversation it's good.. between the first and second dates he said he couldn't wait to kiss me again because "my kisses are amazing" but I can't help feeling weird that it's less and he's not reaching out as much. We already have another date planned and when we're together I can tell he's really into me. It's the in between that has me questioning things. Am I being crazy and overthinking this? I don't want to come off as clingy.
Great chemistry when we're together but little communication when apart. Is he still into me?
11 Opinion