Girls: if you had to choose between your best guy friend and your boyfriend, who would you pick?

So, if the deal was you had to give up seeing/talking to one of them ever again, like they'd completely leave your life, who would you pick as the one to keep?

My first thought was, "Oh, I'd keep my friend, I've known him longer, and I wouldn't want to lose him!" But then I was like, "Um, no, I couldn't live without my boyfriend! I love him!" So what would you say, girls? Is friendship or love stronger in this case?
Boyfriend, of course, he's the special one!!!
Best guy friend. Friends are forever!!!
That's an unfair question, please don't make me pick!!!
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Ok, so I don't mean this as a realistic situation, just to clarify. I'm not intending on having to pick, I'm just wondering, "What if" in a hypothetical, never-going-to happen way.
Girls: if you had to choose between your best guy friend and your boyfriend, who would you pick?
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