Why did my ex start liking my social media posts again?

My ex and I had a very complicated relationship. We were friends first and had a slow burn until getting together. And then he had a sort of freak out and ended it. While we were in the process of getting back together, I found out he was seeing somebody else casually and things ended and he started a serious relationship with the other woman. After some silence, he started liking my social media posts and we tried to be friends again, but he kept bringing up the doubts he had in his current relationship and then his girlfriend found out we were hanging out and he cut off contact with me.

After four months of cutting off contact, he started liking my social media posts again and I suspected it meant there were problems in his relationship. Instead of reaching out like last time, I muted him on social media so I wouldn't see his posts. I found out a few days ago he and his girlfriend are broken up and he is still consistently liking my posts, while I have not viewed/liked his posts or attempted to make contact. I'd estimate it's been about seven months since we last spoke.

Why is he still liking my posts? Is he trying to get my attention so I will reach out?
Why did my ex start liking my social media posts again?
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