First kiss, stolen or slow and eye contact?

Hey all. I just went on a date and it was pretty cool, although the first kiss was a "stolen" kiss. I mean I saw it coming because we were joking and bet on a kiss on the cheek and I knew he would turn his head and it was cute :3 Personally I prefer the excitement when a man holds me, looks me in the eyes and slowly leans in because by the time our lips touch I'm practically burning lol.
But I talked to my brother and he said most of the girls he has gone out with told him they favoured the cute stolen kiss for the first date. What do you prefer?
Thanks and best wishes! :)
I'm a girl and I preffer the first kiss my date gives me to be a stolen kiss
I'm a girl and I preffer for the first kiss my date looks me in the eyes, holds me and leans in slowly
I'm a guy and I preffer the first kiss to be an inocent stolen kiss.
I'm a guy and I preffer the slow looking-in-the-eyes kind of kiss
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First kiss, stolen or slow and eye contact?
3 Opinion