I failed her shit test?

So I recently hooked up with this girl, but she’s been playing games and curving me too much lately, but still kept Snapchatting me everyday. I had to tell her that if she’s no longer interested then we should probably just stop with the snapchats. (I didn’t block her because I’ve known her for 8 years and it’s not that serious)

5 days later she snapchatted me again and it was something pointless.

I said: “I see you like breakin rules, huh?”

She said: “😂😂😂😂 it was too funny I had to” (she was talking about the video she sent me)

I said: “riiight. I bet that’s what it was”

Ok, I know... I failed her shit test. But was it really that bad? This was a week ago and I haven’t snapchatted her since. I get that I snapchatted her after I said that we should stop. But would a long streak of silence help me recover from that?
I failed her shit test?
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