Is being possessive a bad thing?

I was dating a girl for a couple months then out of the blue she ghosts me only to find out a couple months later it was cause I was possessive. I'm not really sure how in a short period of time she could come up with that conclusion or what I could have done to make her think that. Isn't possessive like the same as controlling, like no you can't do this, be home by 6 etc. Why are you hanging with him bla bla bla. I shocked ton hear that was the reason, because i didn't do any of that. I was maybe too persistent in taking her on dates though. I don't know she flaky off and on though. The only thing I can think of is that I would bug go her cousin about her whenever she disappeared. That was probably the reason. Opinions? It a double edged sword when someone helps you date someone. They can throw you under the bus too I guess. Lol
+1 y
Somehow I seem to land dates with women who either don't want to date or shouldn't date quite yet. Of course I don't learn of this until after The fact. The only thing we did was talk on the phone a couple times a week at most and every couple weeks id try and arrange a date for us. I call that dating, not being possessive.
Is being possessive a bad thing?
6 Opinion