Why are girls attention pigs?

Why do girls always look for attention out of their relationships and then act like they didn't!

Even if they're in a happy one.

Why can't you get enough!

Why can't a man just have a decent relationship with a woman without her trying to play with his nerves!

Caring for a woman's emotions is like caring for a baby, they are never stable and don't know what's going to happen next.

Every year I feel less attracted to women, they are filthy menpulative and untrust worthy.

Every time you point out their mistakes they call you an incel, hater or whatever.

Girls you have a problem that's why you only get fucked and left like a trash.

The only thing that is useful about you is your pussies nothing else.

You don't have a sense of humor nor a sense of logic and reasoning.

Hope all of your boyfriends/husbands cheat on you without you knowing.
That's if they already didn'tšŸ˜

Why are girls attention pigs?
+1 y
Notice:Pigs eat their own shit when they can't find something to eat. Warning: If you're a feminist get the fuck out of this question.
Why are girls attention pigs?
8 Opinion