Ghosted- my fault?

I was seeing a guy and he was so into me at first, saying things like I was his ideal and he was infatuated with me. Third date he told me he doesn’t wear condoms and as I’m not on the pill I didn’t sleep with him but we carried on seeing each other. He said things like he wasn’t interested in anyone else.

Date 5 I got very drunk which isn’t like me but I apologised to him although he was annoyed I didn’t sleep with him but I told him I would go back on the pill. Date 6 he came over to my place and a message on his phone popped up from a girl on hinge. I knew he didn’t have the app previously so I got upset and probably didn’t handle the situation well. He said I was paranoid as we weren’t even exclusive yet.

After a few more meet ups, he’s now ghosted me. I’m gutted as I really thought we had clicked and he was keen on me. Now I feel like it’s all my fault and I’ve lost a great guy.
Ghosted- my fault?
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