Lustful guy or has a crush?

He's 30 and worked as a cashier. I ve seen that he tends to be very friendly with women. He has made friends with women or even friends with benefits through his jobs as a cashier or sales guy by chatting up. With me too, he did similar things but oreviously he used to stare at me a lot and I never spoke to him, only gave him my order. He started chatting with me and we became friends. Eventually I gave my number and he followed me on IG.

However, he follows quite a lot of women whom he knows personally so he clearly has lots of female friends. He was also in a relationship until March I guess which is when he started showing interest in me. He even befriends and follows girls who are 20 or 21 and liking their photos.

I ve noticed that he was looking at my cleavage. I was wearing a long dress which is not the best fit around my chest and slides off a little. I obviously wore my bra underneath but the bra and cleavage could be easily seen. I even saw him sneak a little , like stand behind the wall and take a look in a sneaky way.

I also wore waisted jeans twice and I noticed him look at my pelvis area (the front part of the lower half). He did the same 2 days ago when he looked around my legs and skirt area (front part) even though I was wearing stockings.

Is he a creep or wants a relationship? He's from Spain.
Lustful guy or has a crush?
1 Opinion