Ladies: Is it your fault your single?

Are you single because you overlook men you think are not worth your time? Are you having a hard time finding a man of genuine quality or could your standards be too high? Are you actively looking or just going through life expecting to be picked? And finally are you appearing as available as you think?

I wanna understand from both sides of this question if one sides to blame or if there’s a disconnect. If your voluntarily single then you needn’t give an opinion. This question is for the ladies searching but have yet to find Prince Charming.
Ladies: Is it your fault your single?
+1 y
Jesus Christ women. Stop arguing semantics and answer the question. So many of you just wanna tell me “bring singles not a fault”. I don’t care answer the question and move on if you can’t be respectful enough to do that don’t fucking answer.
Ladies: Is it your fault your single?
Post Opinion