Is blackpill the ultimate truth?

I'm an Indian guy who is like 5'7. I guess it's gonna be rough with most of the women. I have accepted my faith and I feel , I should just work on myself and forget having any love in my life. Those things I cannot change and I believe even if I have the option to change I would not because it would mean that I accepted that being tall is better. So I should be just proud of myself and just accept that most women will not be attracted to me. I do workouts as well + I have a good jawline. But I don't think that matters tbh. I basically think I have taken the blackpill and I just can't do it. Most of the guys I see are taller than me even some girls. Height is like a trait which disables anyone's chance for a relationship. Also a lot of people say just go for short girls but the point is that out of everyone I just have the option to go for short ones. It's so hard because it's already so narrowed down. And also I have seen that a lot of short girls also like a guy way taller and they have very high height requirement. The worst part is, short girls are considered cute, tall girls are considered hot and tall guys are considered handsome and more masculine but short guys are literally at the worst position and no one wants them in the society. I feel I should not marry and pass my short genes so that my kids don't feel the same.
Is blackpill the ultimate truth?
8 Opinion