Is he really busy or just not interested?

Can a guy be really really busy or is he not interested?

I made hints that I want to hang and get to know him and he’s said he felt the same and can’t wait to see me but hasn’t made much of an effort to hang out. He is super busy with his work and I understand being tired but I feel like there is still should be some effort into hanging out?

I told him I didn’t want to waste his time and vice versa last night and he responded with “No never! And if I am, let me know. Not trying to”

I made hints and even gave him an out or open door to tell me if he’s not interested. He said I was overthinking it always asking if he’s into me. I just can’t tell and I’m used to being in codependent relationships so maybe this distance is very uncomfortable and different to me.
Is he really busy or just not interested?
1 Opinion