Financial question in a relationship. Does the guy have to pay for everything?

I have been dating this amazing girl. Currently it's been 1 year since we started. She truly is a soulmate to me and I love her. There is an issue though. When we started dating she was willing to pay for me or at least split bills. But now it got to a point where I feel like I've been paying for pretty much everything. Whenever we go out I pay full bill. She did pay for me for my birthday and when we went out with her friends to a camp one time and that's it. She makes more money than I do. She lives with her parents so she is able to save a lot. I have a mortgage and bills to pay. Question does the guy have to pay for everything in a relationship? Does this sort of thing seem normal in other relationships? It does take a massive toll on me financially. I stopped ordering take out when she's around so I just don't pay for her anymore.
Financial question in a relationship. Does the guy have to pay for everything?
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