Should I Feel Insecure?

I'm a black woman my boyfriend is white. As a woman I've watched his gaze and he never looks at woman that look like me. He usually looks at blonde hair blue eyes white girls or if he does stare at a black girl she's lighter and thinner I'm neither of these girls. It's almost like a lighter or whiter skin tone captures his eyes I'm dark and bigger. "The girls in your IG and FB never look like me" it makes me feel bad like I'm not good enough or I'm not pretty enough. Should I feel insecure? He compliments me tells me I'm pretty and got but I don't know... Please explain why he told me that if we weren't together he'd hurt on me but I don't believe it I laughed and he did too
Yes your should feel insecure
No you shouldn't feel insecure
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Should I Feel Insecure?
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