How does a lady get a man to ask her questions about herself?

I met this really nice guy visiting from another state, and we met and hit if off pretty well. He was on a roadtrip and was passing through my statel. He was handsome, and we spent a few hours talking and getting to know one another.
This was last year, and because of Covid we did not initiate anything, although I really wanted to.
Anyway, at some point in the evening we had exchanged phone numbers, so after he left, the next day I texted him saying that it was nice to meet him, hope he has a great rest of his trip. We ended up texting quite a bit back and forth on his trip, him updating me where he was and what he was seeing.
Since then, texts slowly have become more sporadic, dwindling down to maybe a couple of days of texting here and there with a couple months of silence in between. And, over text he's mostly kind of... stiff? Like, he doesn't make many jokes, he doesn't really seem to get some of my jokes, and he also hardly asks me any questions about me. So I don't initiate texting anymore, but today he just reached out to me again. We've been having a nice back and forth, but again, besides the very first text he sent he hasn't asked me anything about me. He responds to my texts so I know he is not just making it all about himself, but like if I mention "I'm in the middle of 3 books right now" he doesn't ask what the books are, he'll just say "three at once is a lot." You know? Things like that.
So how does a woman get a man to ask her more questions about herself?
How does a lady get a man to ask her questions about herself?
7 Opinion