Do you enjoy it when girls/guys “compete” for you?


I’ve only been in this situation twice in my life and both were my happenstance. I didn’t try to set it up but rather coincidentally more than one woman liked me and they were fighting with each other over it.

I’ve been the opposite situation before and it really sucked. I have “won” a few but also “lost” a few. When I won it was because I was “sorta” attracted to the girl but almost always lost when I really liked the girl. Many women tend to be more attracted to the guy who is less interested in them

I am also not the type that plays dirty by throwing other guys under the bus. Reason being is I get turned off if another girl trash talks the other girl who was interested in me.

Some people think that is the way to go and don’t care. But I rather I want the girl to make a clear conscious decision on who to go with.

But I noticed a lot of women really get off on this love triangle bullshit. Some of them intentionally set it up. They don’t look at the long term consequences. They think the guy they reject will be just be happy and fine with a friendzone when it’s said and done. There is no medal or prize for second place in this game though. No other way around it. The rejected guy just needs to self respect himself and cut his losses. Disappear. But he takes a lot of pain in the process.

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Do you enjoy it when girls/guys “compete” for you?
1 Opinion