What are your thoughts on using a conversation card game to move your "relationship" forward in the preliminary stages?


What are your thoughts on using a conversation card game to move your "relationship" forward in the preliminary stages?
Ok, so I own three sets of conversation card games purchased on amazon over the past year, the first being; We're not strangers; the honest dating expansion pack, convo and chill 99 controversial conversation cards and conversation starters for couples and friends.

In June, I matched with this guy on hinge, and we met for the first time on June 18th and then began going on dates every weekend; but skipped like three weekends, but we managed to go on a total of 7 dates from June until now which included dinners, movies, mini golfing, bowling, shopping, brunch and a board game cafe.

During one of our dates at a board game cafe which I suggested, I brought along a conversation card game and introduced it to him; at first, he was a bit apprehensive, but that assisted us immensely in opening up and touching upon topics that we probably would have been too shy to talk about at the very beginning so these range from past dating experiences, religion, gender roles, sex, communication styles etc.
From that day on, during each date, I would bring about 20 cards, and during our dinners, we would take turns asking each other three questions as we ate our food while also engaging in further conversation.

He was very grateful I had brought about these cards game lol, and on Saturday during our brunch date, he used it as a segway to ask me to be his official girlfriend.
I was wondering if any other individual has utilized this method. We are both shy and inexperienced, so maybe this is why it helped immensely, but we also have a good conversation flow without the cards.

I'm 25 he is 26

What are your thoughts on using a conversation card game to move your "relationship" forward in the preliminary stages?
2 Opinion