If you were going to give someone a “tape” of a conversation bc you cousins meet for w/e reason- would you ask for the tape back after they finish?

I’m using cassette tapes in this scenario bc recordings online don’t work as you can jut keep it and claim you deleted — and yes, I know you can record a cassette tape too but that requires a next level of deception & I think such a consciously untrustworthy person, would not be getting a cassette tape convo in the first place.

I saw an old movie where someone recorded their thoughts on a tape an gage it but I thought I would ask for it back bc I don't know in life in a conversation, you don’t record lol no one would want to be recorded 🤷🏻‍♀️ but in this movie they let with them keep the tape 👀 (plus, if they give it back, you know when they finished listening)

Just curious, bc I know I’d ask for it back, which I guess you may think it rude, but whatever lol it’s how a real convo would go, when it’s done it’s done- you only have your memory 😂
Yes, may I please have it back. 🙏🏼
Nope that’s lame. Give it fully or don’t at all. 👎🏼
I do not know. 🤔
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If you were going to give someone a “tape” of a conversation bc you cousins meet for w/e reason- would you ask for the tape back after they finish?
4 Opinion