Girls, Have I lost my possible chance, or am I overthinking?


There is a girl at the bar I go to weekly, I saw this girl there for like a year and a half. I never spoke to her because I thought she didn’t like me for some reason. Everytime I looked at her she gave me a nasty look and an eye roll. I brought it up to someone recently and that same day she added me on Facebook. It took me by surprise. I don’t know if it means she likes me or just wants to be friends. I’ve walked up and tried talking to her a couple times but it never went passed a bit of small talk. I asked her on Facebook a week or two ago to hang out and play pool with me at the bar. My intention was to talk to her and ask her out in person there if I felt it was a good idea. She declined due to having to work (she said). Well the next week, she was in there with her father playing pool right next to the table I was at and they were practicing playing up until we were the only ones left. I walked up and conversed with them a bit while they were playing but again didn’t make it much passed small talk and asking how our teams did that night. I eventually packed up and went home. Later thinking “did I miss a chance to ask her out? Or am I overthinking?” I won’t see her again for a couple weeks and I wonder if that might have been my opportunity and didn’t know. She’s rarely ever by herself so it’s hard to ask her out in a group of people. I’ve made that mistake before. A month and a half since she added me on Facebook has gone by and I am not sure if I missed something or not. Could there still be a chance to strike conversation with her at some point and ask?

Girls, Have I lost my possible chance, or am I overthinking?
1 Opinion