How can I date around without hurting anyone?

So am a now single poly men that just gotten out of poly relationship with two girls gina&sklyler. My relationship ended with skyler because she couldn’t handle the poly relationship and her parents who Are paying for her college tuition made her leave me since they hated the poly stuff. I tried fighting for her but that ended up with me being blocked and it breaks my heart in two this was 7 months ago. With my 2nd girlfriend gina who I dated longer then skyler. the relationship ended becuase she refused too get help with her mental health issues.. she hurt me in ways that can never be fixed and killed my truest in women when it comes to kids.

I dated both of theses women at the same time.. am start to realize I truly love Skyler and would have stopped being poly for her. I also realize that I been with my girlfriend gina for so long that I have zero I idea who I am anymore. I would like too date around and explore myself more. How can I deal this with out hurting anyone?
How can I date around without hurting anyone?
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