I don’t know if I should stay or end relationship?

I’ve been dating this guy R for 6 months. I have two toddlers of my own that are not his biologically. He’s the only “father figure” they’ve been around. I really love him. And I can’t picture him or myself with anyone else. The problem is sometimes I feel like he can be selfish, doesn’t manage his money well, and drinks a bit. I don’t like how he puts random women down. He doesn’t give me oral or appreciate my body which I’ve mentioned a few times, I make sure he’s always pleased. He’s 25 I’m 23. I feel like he just isn’t focused on what I need to be doing as a parent. I’m graduating college and moving forward in my goal career. My brothers think he isn’t a good worker and doesn’t save money to show he can support us. My mom has been helping me with support. But I’m scared to lose this connection I have with him.. I’m conflicted. Any advice?

I don’t know if I should stay or end relationship?
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