Men, when will there be a trend of not rejecting woman for being too curvy or fat?

I just want to know why that would be a problem.

Of course if you have some kind of lifestyle but should you then even consider dating that type of women, giving her false hope or would you even try it?

I just had some comments like: "I'm still attracted to you but you are quite fat on that place of your body.", "You should move more" or "I like your body because of your chest but the rest need some work"

Of course I was like, okay bye, I want a man for his. I dated men with six pack and dad body but I rather date someone who is a kind person than the need to have someone specific because of the way their body looks.
Of course I care about hygiene and all that. And hair..

(Women can react too! Feel free)
1 y
Of course I was like, okay bye, I want a man for his personality. ***
Men, when will there be a trend of not rejecting woman for being too curvy or fat?
4 Opinion