Would you approach someone to express your interest in dating or, in short, would you ever date someone at work?

Someone asked a post where they want to flirt with a work colleague that is merely being nice and it brought this question to my mind.

Would you date someone at work

I know a number of relationships start at work but almost as many people view dating at work as a "I don't shit where I eat" situation in that the potential hassle isn't worth the risk.

It is such some companies have completely forbid it in writing within employee contracts.

Not only does someone have to deal with the potential HR reprecussions if the one person isn't interested and the person who is interested can't take the hint / leave them alone.

But then there's the mess at work if the relationship goes south / ends badly & you have to still work together.

Yes, I would
No, not worth the hassle
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Would you approach someone to express your interest in dating or, in short, would you ever date someone at work?
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