When you “like” someone, is there point too soon where you’d be put off, frustrated, or anxious, if they asked you out on a date (are you NT or ND)?

I’m asking to see results, how people process similar situations—not bc I’m trying to solve a problem personally. 🙂

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Yes. Even if I know I really like someone, I will get frustrated, or anxious, if they ask me out too soon, or at all. I’m NT.
Yes. Even if I know I really like someone, I will get frustrated, or anxious, if they ask me out too soon,, or at all. I’m ND.
No. If I really like someone I’m happy to be asked out at any point. I mean a date is just getting to know each other — which is what I want!! I’m NT.
No. If I really like someone I’m happy to be asked out at any point. I mean a date is just getting to know each other — which is what I want bc I like them lol. I’m NT.
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When you “like” someone, is there point too soon where you’d be put off, frustrated, or anxious, if they asked you out on a date (are you NT or ND)?
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