Why would she want to see me after rejecting me?

This girl rejected me 3 months ago (she has a boyfriend). We didn't contact and today she messaged me out of nowhere saying she just came to my city and wanted to meet to talk tonight (first question, why didn't she ask me several days ago, she had to buy tickets so obviously she knew she would come, why did she ask me on the same day). I agreed and we met in a cafe where we awkwardly talked about random things. She never mentioned her boyfriend. The thing is I cried 3 times in front of her since I got so emotional and still loved her (softly, not as you think, no one paid attention). She gave me tissues and told me I seemed weak. I replied I only do this to her and only her can make me do that.

Ok then we went home and surprisingly she asked me if I want to go for a walk with her tomorrow, while she's still in my city. I really don't know what she was thinking. Today when she asked me out, she didn't know I would cry, so I wouldn't question that. But why did she want to meet me AGAIN? Well you don't like this guy, you don't know how he's been after your rejection and ask him and see him cry. And then you ask the poor guy out again?

Should I go to see her? Where's her damn boyfriend? Does he know about this? So many questions in my mind right now I'm so so confused.

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Hi guys I'm sorry I failed you but it's not like you think... so I listened to you and ignored her. Then today she texted to remind me and I told her I was at work. She said OK it's fine and stopped. But 2 hours later she texted me saying she was taking a walk and reading books in the park X. Well that park is right next to where I work! It was raining a bit so I really didn't know how she could read a book but anyway. I knew she wanted to see me so I agreed to meet.
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Then we met and went around the neighborhood. She asked me where I work and I pointed at the building and she acted surprised (I really doubt it, can't be coincident). There is really nothing interesting there to see so I really think she tried to see me. She also asked me to take some photos for her. This time I didn't cry or get too emotional
Why would she want to see me after rejecting me?
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